Stormie YK
As a student who went here I would only recommend going to this college for a year if really necessary. I did an Animal course here for a few years and I found only one of my teachers lessons were valuable to me, the rest felt lazy. In terms of the people at this college, majority of the students are rude and people I would never want to mix with. There’s been times where me and my boyfriend have been waiting for someone and a group of boys we have never spoken to came up to us and harassed us which obviously made us uncomfortable. I’ve gone to the toilet before and seen girls vaping in the toilets, talking about inappropriate things and always seeing clumps of hair sitting in the sinks. If you are doing gcse classes, the maths classes I had were completely useless, never learnt anything from them, the teachers accents are too strong that people struggle to understand what they’re saying, I’ve also been in a class before where students were swearing at the teacher, leaving the classroom whenever they wanted too to go smoke, sleeping in class and just chatting away while other people are trying to learn. Other than the unbearable people who attend this place I would say the course is mediocre, the best experience I’ve had within it was when I came to do some work experience there with a technician i’ve never even worked with and got to work with animals i’ve never even worked with too. I’m glad to not be attending here again as it feels like i’m surrounded by clowns most of the time. ?